Sunday Service:
This Sunday, 4.5.20, Pastor Ben will be sharing about the topic, “The Tears of Our Savior” from John 11:21-26. The sermon will be live-streamed at 9:30 am with a link on our website @ COVID-19 Updates.
Sunday School:
There will be Zoom Meeting Sunday School this week at 11:30 am. All Jr. High Students will be with Pastor Ben on the topic “Getting to Know God”. All Freshman and Sophomore Students will be with Auntie Anni, Auntie Virg, Auntie Vicky finishing the last chapter of “The Case for a Creator”. All Junior and Senior Students will be with Dr. Glenn with the continuation of the topic “Let There Be Light”. All Zoom links to the meetings will be posted on our website @ COVID-19 Updates.
Friday Night Fellowship:
There will be Zoom Meeting for Friday Night Fellowship Small Group this week at 8 pm. The topic for all is “Grace for the Humble” from the Unshakeable Hope book. Jr. High Boys will be with Uncle Roland. Jr. High Girls will be with Auntie Angela and Auntie Esther. Freshmen and Sophomores will be with Pastor Ben. Juniors will be with Auntie Anni. Lastly, Seniors will be with Jason Lui. All Zoom links to the meetings will be posted on our website @ COVID-19 Updates.
Good Friday 4.10.20:
All small groups will have a regular meeting on Zoom on 4.10.20 (next week) at 8:00 - 9:20. Then join Pastor Ben on Zoom for communion. Please check our website for Zoom Meeting ID.
We need stories about an encounter with God. For example, a miracle that happened in your life or how you met God. If you have one, share it! These will be posted as an 'Our Community' Post under the category "stories".
-Ethan Shih
FECSGV Youth Multimedia Team
Please contact us if you need help!
There are devotions that Pastor Ben has provided on our website since we can’t pick up the new SENA.
If you have any questions please press the message button on the bottom right corner, email to, or go to
-FECSGV Youth Multimedia Team