Happy Fourth of July!
Sunday Service:
This Sunday, 7.5.20, Pastor Ben will be sharing about the topic, “Turn your eyes”. The sermon will be premiering at 9:30 am with a link on our website @ COVID-19 Updates.
Sunday School:
There is no Sunday School this Sunday, 7.5.20 since it is Fourth of July Weekend. All combined Zoom Sunday school will resume on 7.12.20. Pastor Ben has prepared a special summer lesson for all of you. Join me at 11:30 am with the meeting link on our website @ COVID-19 Updates.
Friday Night Fellowship:
There is no Friday Night Fellowship this Friday, 7.3.20 since it is Fourth of July Weekend. Our combined big group program will resume on 7.10.20 at 8 pm with our meeting link @ COVID-19 Updates.
We need stories about an encounter with God. For example, a miracle that happened in your life or how you met God. If you have one, share it!
The Art Hour:
A free, virtual, one-hour art lesson is being offered to K-12 students through zoom. If you are interested, please contact Millie Li to get some details at liaoemu@gmail.com. Visit its website at thearthour.org.
There are devotions that Pastor Ben has provided on our website @ COVID-19 Updates since we can’t pick up the new SENA.
If you have any questions please press the message button on the bottom right corner, email to fecsgv.cia@gmail.com, or go to fecsgv.wixsite.com/youth/contact-us.
Thanks! And Stay Safe!
-FECSGV Youth Multimedia Team