Sunday Service:
We will have a combined and communion service TODAY. Prepare your hearts before partaking it. Sunday dialogue follows after in youth center. Dr. Stephen Tzeng will be speaking to us at 11.03. 19. Let's welcome him.
Sunday School :
All Sunday school classes start at 11:30 A.M. TODAY. Pastor Ben will teach all junior high class in E9. Auntie Anni, auntie Vicky, and auntie Virginia will teach Freshman and Sophomore class in E10. Dr. Glenn will teach Junior and Senior class in pastor Ben's office. Uncle Benny Lee will teach pastor Ben's class on Sunday, 11.03.19
Friday Night Fellowship:
Let's join our small group fellowship on 11.01.19 at 8 P.M. We will learn the gospel of John in the Youth Center. Bring your friends to join us!
Special Friends Ministry:
We will launch a special ministry called 'Special Friends Ministry' in January 2020 after the training on January 4. If you are interested in volunteering, talk to Pastor Ben after the service for more details.
New Website:
I will be needing testimonies about an encounter with God. For example, a miracle that happened in your life. You can email me a couple of paragraphs about it at or Thanks!
Flu Shot Clinic:
We will be having a free flu shot clinic on November 2nd. Contact Karen Duh if you want to volunteer for hours.
Daylight Saving Time:
Please turn your clocks back and gain an hour of sleep on the First Sunday, 11.03.19.
November SENA edition is available. Pick up your own copy in Pastor Ben's office after the service.
If you have any questions please press the message button on the bottom right corner. Thanks!